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Solana Checklist

Release: Version 2.0

1Missing rent exemption checksAll Solana accounts holding an Account Mint or Multisig must contain enough SOL to be considered rent exempt. Otherwise the accounts may fail to load.
2Signed invocation of unverified programsThe program does not verify the pubkey of any program called via the invoke_signed() API.
3Solana account confusionsThe program fails to ensure that the account data has the type it expects to have.
4Redeployment with cross-instance confusionThe program fails to ensure that the wasm code has the code it expects to have
5Missing freeze authority checksWhen freezing is enabled but the program does not verify that the freezing account call has been signed by the appropriate freeze_authority
6Insufficient SPL-Token account verificationFinding extra checks that should not exist with the given type of accounts
7Anti-pattern to transfer the ownership of an Associated Token AccountNote that it is an anti-pattern to transfer the ownership of an Associated Token Account: In that case the best practice is to create an associated token account for the recipient's wallet transfer the tokens and then close the first account.
8As-of-yet Solana blockchain unknown classes of vulnerabilitiesChecking for any other as-of-yet unknown classes of vulnerabilities arising from the structure of the Solana blockchain.